Remember My Baby - Charity Photography
For those of you who don’t know, Remember My Baby is a national charity which provides the gift of remembrance photography to parents of babies who pass away before, during or shortly after birth. Our goal is to offer a service of baby remembrance photography to all parents suffering the loss of their baby in every hospital and birth centre across the UK.
As it is coming up to their first anniversary, the other volunteer photographers and I are using the anniversary to raise awareness of this amazing charity. In doing so I hope to reach at least one hospital professional, parent or photographer who didn’t know about us and will help to spread the word.
As soon as I heard about Remember my Baby I knew it was something I wanted to be a part of. I am lucky enough to have a beautiful daughter, but not everyone is as lucky as me, and gets to take their baby home. Since moving to Kent, I have become aware of a lot of charities that help bereaved parents, and I wanted to do something to help. I have donated raffle prizes and photographed events, but I wanted to do more.
As soon as I heard about RMB, I thought it was perfect. I could use my skills as a baby photographer to create beautiful images so the family could have photographs of their precious baby and treasure them forever.
The charity is coming up to its first anniversary and we now have 126 volunteer photographers across the country, but we need more. Especially around London and the South.
At the moment, there are two volunteer photographers in Kent, (myself and Imelda Bell) and we are on call for all the hospitals in the area and also those in South East London.
There are other areas which don’t even have cover so during the anniversary month, all volunteer photographers are raising the profile of the charity by blogging, changing their Facebook profiles and doing fundraisers in the hope we will reach even more people who will help spread the word and maybe, find another photographer to join.
Last month one of our volunteers travelled an hour and half each way to make sure we covered a session. Unfortunately, this isn’t always possible, so the more photographers we have signed up, the better coverage we can offer.
If you have been thinking of joining but don’t think you would be able, please dont worry. Yes it will be difficult, but the discomfort you may feel is nothing compared to what the family of the baby are going through. In giving your time and your expertise, you will be giving them a precious gift. There is also fantastic support available through the charity (training and guidance etc) so you won’t be alone.
To find out more about Remember My Baby or to volunteer as a photographer please visit their website
Other bereavement services in the local area:
SANDS main charity
Abigail’s Footsteps